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你是五星級海灘飯店的總裁,當旺季來臨時,總有數不清的遊客在海邊戲水,不幸的,這片水域常有鯊魚出 ,而且鯊魚攻擊遊客的負面新聞也影響了遊客到訪的意願。因此,你必須盡力讓更多的遊客可以下水遊玩,並且在鯊魚來襲時,盡可能拯救所有旅客的生命。在海邊開心玩水的遊客和在鯊魚來襲時生還的遊客都可以讓你得分。
You are the owner of a fashionable beach hotel. When business is booming, many tourists swim in the waters.
Unfortunately, the beaches are frequented by sharks, and the negative publicity of a shark fatality drives away future visitors. Therefore, try to maximize the number of guests in the water, while saving as many as possible in case of shark attack.
At the end of your turn, depending on the roll of the dice, record how many swimmers you have, or how many rescued.